Entrepreneurial Challenges and Opportunities in Emerging Markets

  • Publication Year: 2025
  • ISBN: 9781779564108
  • Price: $165
  • Publisher: Society Publishing
  • Binding Type: Hardcover

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"Entrepreneurial Challenges and Opportunities in Emerging Markets" plays a very important role in Business Management, Marketing and Trade as well as other allied fields like Industrialization, Business management, Financial management, Strategic management, Business skills and knowledge etc., and thus, plays a very vital role in the Economy of each and every country of this world. Hence, this book will give an overall idea regarding various concepts, skills, challenges and opportunities in different Enterprises and overall Marketing sector. The major topics covered in this book include entrepreneurship in emerging markets, business ideas and resources for new entrepreneurs, various strategies for sustainable entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship, resource mobilization for marketing etc., Thus, this book will be a boon to the Business Management, Business Administration, Economics as well as Agricultural Economics Researchers and Scholars with an elaborative study of numerous concepts and aspects of entrepreneurship. The subject matter has been presented in simple language and is supported with latest data and research findings which is helpful for an improved knowledge and thorough understanding regarding various concepts on entrepreneurship, their opportunities and development, emerging markets of various innovative products, challenges in different entrepreneurships, production as well as market sustainability and evolutionary scenarios for various entrepreneurship models. The book includes 58 diagrammatic representations and the best references which make the book explanatory as well as easily understandable. It is an excellent textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Business Management, Business Administration, Marketing, Human Resources, Economics, Agricultural Economics, ABM and allied faculties as in this book, Prof. Venkatesh C. Pande highlights all the important aspects explaining the co-relation between Entrepreneurship and Emerging Markets as well as various challenges and opportunities evolving in and around all these fields of importance. It is also an ideal as well as useful reading for policy makers, researchers, officers and staff of Revenue Department, Commerce department, managers of different enterprises, firms and organizations.

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Venkatesh.C Pande is presently serving as Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture, Naigaon Bz., Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani. He obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) Degree from College of Agriculture, Naigaon Bz., under Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in 2008. He completed successfully his Post Graduation and secured M.Sc. (Agri.) Degree with specialization in Agril. Economics & Statistics, from Govt. College of Agriculture, Latur under Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in the year 2010. He started his career in 2010 as Marketing Officer & Supervisor in an Agro Chemicals Manufacturing and Selling firm by serving this company for an successful period of 1.4 Years. After his successful work in Agro Marketing Industry, He started his Academic career as Assistant Professor in 2012. His field of specialization is Agril. Economics & Statistics. He published 09 Research Papers in various National & International Journals of repute. Among these 09 Research Papers, he Actively Participated & Presented (Oral) 01 Research paper in National Conference of Maharashtra Society of of Agricultural Economics (MSAE) on the theme ?Marketing & Pricing Policies of Agricultural Commodities, Marketing Reforms?. He has successfully edited an excellent book named ?Principles of Bioeconomics? published by an International publishing house named ?Society Publishing?, Burlington, Canada. He has delivered 02 Radio Talks which were a boon to guide Farmers of Marathwada region as well as Agriculture Graduates. He also has participated National Seminars, National as well as International Conferences & Webinars. He Actively Participated & Successfully completed a One Week Online Training Course on ?Organic Farming? organized by Regional Centre of Organic Farming (RCOF), Nagpur, Organic Farming Research and Training Centre, VNMKV, Parbhani & Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad (Telangana State). He is having wide experience of Teaching the subject of Agril. Economics to the under graduate students of Agriculture Faculty since last 14 years. Besides this, He has acted as Education & Admission Incharge at Agriculture College for 08 Years.